The PaleoMoz project aims to promote the scientific development of Mozambique by preserving and enriching its paleontological heritage and training the first generation of Mozambican paleontologists.
PaleoMoz was created by scientists from Portuguese institutions in collaboration with the National Geology Museum of Mozambique.
Since 2009, the PaleoMoz Project palaeontologists and students have run yearly scientific expeditions in the Niassa region (North of Mozambique) during which they have collected numerous unique and rare vertebrate fossils over 250 million years old. Other regions such as Nampula and Tete have also been prospected.
Field expedition in Niassa (2014)
The objectives of PaleoMoz are:
1) Exploring and prospecting new localities for collecting vertebrate fossils in Mozambique.
2) Establishing an independent and dynamic scientific community in Mozambique by training palaeontologists and building a laboratory for fossil preparation.
3) Promoting scientific collaborations and knowledge transfer between Mozambique and international scientific communities.
4) Organising science outreach activities/events to disseminate the project and the paleontological heritage of Mozambique to the wider community.
PalNiassa field assistant holding an Endothiodon fossil collected in Niassa (2014)